Thank you for writing the truth about the Wall Street capitalist who bought P/R so that people in other states would not know what a poor governor and politician this woman really is. She destroyed the UHIP segment of the population in addition to the pensioners. Wall St and John Arnold were able with to get the then -GA to pass "fraudmondo's" legislation-RIRSA2011. She destroyed not just the pensioners/retirees but she destroyed the segment of the population involved with UHIP. She even ditched Biden when he came to RI years ago-to show off the 195 Infrastructure project.. He was there alone in East Providence without her. And by the way, this ineffective excuse for a governor even lost to the truckers on the illegal tolls she wanted to put up all over the state. But because she was Michael Bloomberg's "darling" she was able to get away with so much. People may not even know that the Point Judith she was associated with, was bought for her...She was also the neighbor of Senator Reed when young, so she already had connections growing up. Raimondo is nothing but a puppet for Wall Street who back her. And of course, Enron's John Arnold was a big influence as to how raimondo ruled as governor. And now look at her as Commerce Secretary. Luckily she has 13-14 months to serve and then gone. What is she doing to help the Panama Canal situation? Where is raimondo concerning the Panama Canal? https://gcaptain.com/more-surcharges-loom-as-panama-canal-restrictions-tighten/ She with the help of the press she bought when she first entered politics likes to promote her educational credentials -She is book smart not street smart and it took how many tries to even get her appearance to look halfway decent. I bet people already forgot the $700 dollar hairdo saga! How she ended up on 60 minutes without them exposing any of her negatives is a travesty and this tells you a lot about this show that I will never watch again since they filter out anything negative about their subject. What ever happened to telling the truth in the media? Oh, I forgot that concept is as feeble as Biden.

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Raimondo is with a doubt, worthy of the name "Fraudmondo". Her despicable actions within RI deserve NATIONAL Exposure and should be investigated by the National Media.

Then we have issues such as this: " Forbes Censored Gina Raimondo Article Miraculously Reappears For Halloween!"


Raimondo is a failed venture capitalist who, in 2006, talked the Employee Retirement System of Rhode Island into investing $5 million in an unproven fund offered by her firm. In the firm’s pitch to the pension, on the one hand, it argued the pension should invest since it was the only venture firm based in Rhode Island. On the other hand, the pitch book touted that the infant firm was backed by an out-of-state New York hedge fund billionaire.

The state pension not only committed to a ten-year investment in Raimondo’s fund, remarkably, it agreed to pay her a higher fee than she asked for. (Raimondo’s venture firm promptly relocated to Boston.)

With a commitment from the state pension that would pay her $125,000 a year for at least the next ten years, Raimondo moved onto politics.

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