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This is a most accurate account of the fraud who came to RI from being in NY for ten years cozying up to Michael Bloomberg in NYC (plus others) and then returning to RI to be the puppet of Wall Street and completely revamp what people in the pension had been receiving as their contractual return from working for the state. The Wall St female fraud and capitalist returned with the blessing of Enron's John Arnold and Wall St. to get them another source of money--the people's pension and it succeeded with the help of the then speaker of the house mattiello (small letter by design) who in some way "persuaded" the GA to vote for raimondo's legislation: RIRSA 2011 which changed the lives of all pensioners and not for the better. Both raimondo (I will NEVER use her first name...using a first name denotes respect and imo she does not deserve any. raimondo and her husband not only bamboozled and misled the pensioners back in 2011 but as Commerce Secretary and dealing with many nations esp.China, heaven only knows how much more profit she and hubby who works for the Communist Chinese Party for quite some time, have increased their gross net worth, in the millions.

Yet the media and press say nothing bad about her including 60 Minutes when they were given the truth they refused to mention anything negative about her (I'll never watch 60 minutes again- they are frauds) Why the Democratic Party and Biden allow her to get away with what she does tells me a lot about them as well. Hopefully a new regime will take place in next election and she will be gone -Now that would be a nice ending to this saga!

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